1. Take a walk outside. When you sit still, your body systems are at rest, says Vicario. Moving your body helps wake up your mitochondria, the part of your cells that generate energy. She says taking a brisk walk several times per week can make your mitochondria double in size, which helps the body produce more energy. The combination of fresh air and exercise also stimulates blood flow to the brain so you can re-gain clarity and focus. "If you're stuck on a problem or are having difficulty thinking creatively, getting up and walking around can give you a completely different perspective," says Vicario. And if you can't get outside for a walk, do a lap or two around the office or even stretch at your desk. Just moving your body helps. 2. Drink a glass of water. Most Americans are chronically dehydrated, says Vicario, and studies show dehydration can slow down brain function. "If you find you're lacking focus, taking a break for a glass of water can p...