what is how to do pharase?

 how-to is an informal, often short, description of how to accomplish a specific task. A how-to is usually meant to help non-experts, may leave out details that are only important to experts, and may also be greatly simplified from an overall discussion of the topic.
One of the earliest how-to books was published in 1569 and entitled, A booke of the arte and maner, how to plant set Up intro an divers other new practise, by one of the Abbey of Saint Vincent in Fraunce by Leonard Mascall.
Perhaps the best known full-length book in the genre is How to Win Friends and Influence People, written by Dale Carnegiein 1936.
A similar concept can be seen in many of the [topic] For Dummies series of tutorials and also in many other introductory surveys entitled with the suffix "101" (based on academic numberings of entry-level courses).


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